The Home City field is required, but you can put any valid location, such as your city, state, country or even “Planet Earth”. The level of detail you provide is up to you…meaning your privacy is in your full control. We suggest not putting in your full home address for obvious reasons.
Author: admin
Will Facebook Connect add all of my Facebook friends?
No. When you connect your Tripline account to Facebook, only your Facebook friends who are already using Tripline will be added as your Tripline friends. You can remove them individually if you want. Also, we won’t send out emails to your whole list of non-Tripline Facebook friends or anything like that. We will notify your Facebook friends who are already on Tripline that you’ve signed up.
I’m seeing someone else’s Facebook info on the Sign Up page
If you’re trying to sign up with Tripline using Facebook Connect and you’re seeing someone else’s information on the Sign Up page, that’s probably because someone else is signed in to Facebook on the computer you’re using.
Here’s what to do:
- Go to (you’ll probably be logged in as someone else, so don’t do anything sneaky)
- At the top right of the Facebook page, click on “Account” and then “Logout”
- Sign in to Facebook as yourself
- Go back to and click on “Connect with Facebook”
- You should see a dialog asking you to authorize Tripline to access your Facebook account.
- Click “Allow” and proceed to Tripline Sign Up. You should now see your Facebook account info on the SIgn Up page